Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Bug!

I got that Christmas bug because I can't wait for the holiday to arrive! Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


So here it is. I got a couple votes on that tummy poll (that's the poll you gather data on, not dance around), it could have been more but I'm thankful for the votes I got. Now, there's a problem... It's completely split down the middle. And the worst part is, no one voted for the correct method! But no worries, it's all good! The best way to tame that lower belly pouch is sitting down in my opinion. That's right -- sit and be fit! Hey... that's not just some work out show for the elderly! Cool beans means that your pouch might not be as invincible as it once seemed. All you have to do is sit down with your legs outstretched on a table in front of you that's level with the chair you're sitting on. Then raise your legs up. Try to engage your lower abdominals as you do this. Place your feet on objects lower and lower to the ground to make the exercise more challenging. Once you're strong enough lift straight up from the ground and alternate levels of elevation for a good workout. I found this technique on Youtube and tried it. If you focus on your abdominals, it actually does work!

Try it guys!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Work That Poll

No guys, this isn't some kind of perverted tip I got going on. I'm talking about the new poll to your right! Which way is the best for working the lower abs? Don't be shy, get on it! I'll post you again soon.

Peace and Love

Monday, November 17, 2008

Do You Have A Question?

If you have a question, post it! This is Exertopia and all fitness questions are welcome. Coming Soon: Exertopia will be holding a poll for the best way to work the abs. Specifically the lower abs. This is often the most troublesome area of the abdominals to target. They're are so many different variations... for instance: should you sit down, lay down, or stand for this exercise? And yes, these variations do exist for toning the lower abs! Stay tuned...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fill Me In


So what is this Sweepstakes thing I mentioned yesterday? Well, it's complete awesomeness for a little FYI but really it's a drawing held by yours truly. It's an upcoming event so keep on the lookout. When the Sweepstakes gets underway, you'll have an upportunity to receive "Perpetual Treadmill No More! The Dieter's Handbook" FREE of charge upon subscription if you're selected randomly as one of the lucky winners! This is cool because this handbook gives you a real, comprehensive solution to yo yo dieting and getting what we all seek here at Exertopia: Results! Definitely keep your eye on this one because it's a doozey!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Get That!


Friday, September 19, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Discovery... Kind Of

I just discovered the wonderful world of modules -- sort of. I'm talkin' bout Squidoo ya'll and I just started using the Cafepress and ebay modules. (I've been largely neglecting them) Prior to this I'd been using the RRS and text writing modules mainly. Learning how to use the: quote un-quote, money making modules is something else. You can earn affiliate commissions by writing for free on Squidoo on any topic that interests you! A long as you make a point to advertise and use the royalty modules, you're in for a treat. Whatever your interest -- mine happens to be weight loss and the like -- you can find a product to promote that matches your interests. It's both fun and profitable. Another great part of this is that you can give to some charities while you're at it. They have an extensive list for you once you register so it's just a matter of choosing which one you like. Till next I post.

Peace and Love

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Tell All

How many of you guys out there have felt guilty about an indulgence (I'm talkin' bout food ya'll) after or even while you were eating? Isn't that the worst? I know, but it doesn't have to be that way. I'm saying sionara to calorie pinching and HOORAH! to freedom. This is an ongoing poll so respond in the comments section and share your experiences... a crush ever pass by while you were diving into that decadent chocolate slice? Any embarassing or funny moments, I wanna hear them. For some real tips on weight loss or maintenance visit:

Peace and Love

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I decided to go ixnay on that import thing. Adding an RSS feed was better I think. I have no idea what blogger imports do for traffic generation.

Now boys and girls...

Post me a query you may have regarding fitness (staying in shape) Don't be shy... I don't bite...
Much! JK guys.

Till next next I post.

Peace and Love

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Riddle Me This Some More


Alright guys, it's rhyme time... Again!
It's time to revisit the game we started and add a bit more to the rhyming list.
Rhyme of the day:

Here is a tale of fried chicken blues:
The tender meat becons, then begs some more
Asking me to settle the score
The salad on the side will not avail
Because against deep-fried limbs
Lettuce exceedingly pales
What else can soothe the hunger
But another bite of fried chicken?
Bite and then bite some more
Until what was six becomes four
What of the healthy diet you say?
Postponed until next day.

Add Your rhyme or riddle in the comments section and YOU may be featured for the day (with full credits and embellishments) in my next blix!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Georgie Porgie

Georgie Porgie Pudding and pie

Kissed the girls and made them cry

When the boys came out to play

Georgie Porgie ran away.

Be quick to fix

A rhyme or riddle

And you may get featured

In my next Blix!

Spin a tale to soothe

the soul and marvel

at the constellation

that unfolds.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Riddle Me This

Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean
So between them both they cleaned the plate
And licked the platter clean
Jack ate all the lean, Joan ate all the fat
The bone they picked it clean and gave it to the cat

Spin another children's rhyme or original riddle and share a spell down below in the comments section...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Talk About It

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked;
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers;
Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
So guys, it's rhyme time! Post a rhyme and I very well might reply!
Don't be shy these morsels are not in short supply
Weave your words with steady whimsy
And delight in the reponses which suit your fancy!

:} Peace and Love

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Check out me page on Squidoo, it's pinkberrytastic! There's a lot of awesome stuff happening about now in my online endeavors. I've recently put out a couple of article submissions for my product but later realized that I didn't use any long tail key words in my Ezine article. A broad popular keyword is rather inefficient when you're trying to target a specific market. So I gotta go back now and see if I can revise that article I already submitted. It's probably saved in my drafts so it shouldn't be too hard.

For anyone new to IM (that's internet marketing) squidoo is great because it offers a greater field of exposure for your products and services and also gets the search engines going. Not to mention that squidoo is fun! Really, you get to writeabout your interests and/or products and services and design too. What could be better than that? Posting pictures is definitely one of the best parts of squidoo. check it out here:: :} Till next I post!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A Video!

Thursday, January 23, 2014